Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to display author's name in blogger under post title

By Thinking P'Noy
Do you want your name displayed below the title of your post? Here's how that which works for me with Simple template:

Note: Back up your template's HTML code first.

Step 1. Go to blogger DASHBOARD -> TEMPLATE -> EDIT HTML

a. Then you'll find an instruction which says, "Directly editing HTML may affect....." Press "PROCEED." 


STEP 2. Press CTRL F then copy and paste the following at the "get prompt" located at the upper right corner of the screen: (Don't include the "bullet mark.")
  • <div class='post-header'>
If the above won't show up (in dark yellow color), it means that you need to try the other one:

   <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Step 3. Paste the following code below "<div class='post-header-line-1'/>"

<span class='meta_author'>By <b style='color: DarkSlateBlue; font-weight:normal;font-size:10px'><></b></span>

Step 4. Last step: Press SAVE TEMPLATE, then check if your name appeared under the post title. If NOT, maybe you don't have a Google Account yet. Get a Google Account, and re-check.

Honestly, not all suggestions I gathered from the Web worked for me. Hence, I suggested Simple template. Secondly, you can adjust the color and font size by changing their values.

For "color" for example, change 'color:DarkSlateBlue to Blue or whatever you like. If you don't have HTML color names, press this link.

For the font size, just change 11px or 12px (it's up to you) in  font-size:10px. I tried 9px, but it looks oppressed, so I changed mine to 10px font size.

Thanks and happy blogging.

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  1. we are 2 bloggers but when i used your code even the 2nd blogger's name is linking to my google account
