Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to hide a blog description in blogger

By Thinking P'Noy
Hide you blog description since it doesn't look good if allowed to appear in your blog page. If you are not yet familiar with editing your blog's template's HTML code, then follow the steps given below:

Note: Back up your template's HTML code first.

Step 1. Go to blogger DASHBOARD -> TEMPLATE -> EDIT HTML

a. Then you'll find an instruction which says, "Directly editing HTML may affect....." Press "PROCEED." 


STEP 2. Press CTRL F then copy and paste the following at the "get prompt" located at the upper right corner of the screen:

  • ]]></b:skin>

Paste the code below before "]]></b:skin>".

  • .description{  display: none;  }

After having pasted it, your code should have to look like this one:

display: none;


Then, press SAVE TEMPLATE.

NOTE: There's another way of doing it if you're not comfortable with the above method, more so that you'll be editing the HMTL code of your blog. All you need is go to your DASHBOARD -> TEMPLATE -> CUSTOMIZE -> ADVANCED -> Add CSS then paste

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